E-L C-A-J-A-S for those of you who can't read human letters |
I'm not quite sure how, in less than 3 months in Ecuador, I have been to El Cajas National Park 3 times. I personally believe that that is getting excessive! :) However, we had the girls up from Puerto Lopez and they wanted to go. Since our trip was going to be all of us girls, we convinced Kaitlyn that she had to go too, even though she had sworn off ever hiking again. So I asked Robo-John to lead our motley crew once again.
In preparation for the cold temperatures that we experienced last time, we took the girls into the the world of "the secret room behind the market" to get hats, gloves, sweaters, etc. We also made arrangements to borrow or purchase more gum boots since these were the must have item last trip.
We arranged to meet John at the terminal at noon, but Kaitlyn and Kelly still needed to pick up the boots that they were going to borrow. So I took them to the James's, while Ariel took Mechaela and Veronica to the terminal to meet John. We all met up right as the bus we wanted was getting ready to leave. After confirming that the bus passed through El Cajas we all loaded on and I found a nice open window for Kaitlyn who was feeling a little sick. A minute later, they called all of us off the bus. (They were hoping to fit more people on that were going all the way to Guayaquil and therefore paying a full fare.) A few minutes later we all got back on, but Kaitlyn's nice window seat was gone. :(
We finally
arrived at the same visitor's center where we ended our last trek. It
was cold as expected so we all took turns bundling up and using the
restroom. Mechaela found an unhappy surprise in her backpack. A banana
had been squashed in the bottom and there was a pool of banana juice/goo
on all her stuff. Not too happy about that. :(
We also had to register as "guests" and pose for a few photos before we got on our way.
Fortunately the day was much warmer than our last experience in Cajas. Also, I think John learned his lesson well and took us on the "easy" and "short" hike for only about 4 hours. I kept my promise and stayed by Kaitlyn's side the whole time. (I also was the designated videographer...too bad they didn't show me how to work the camera before hand...)
I will say that Kaitlyn did much better than I think even she expected. We made it pretty far before John had to come back and pull her up the hill. (She could have done it thought!) Her biggest complaint was that it was after 3 and we still hadn't eaten lunch. (I was pretty hungry too!) It seemed early on that John was on the top of the list of potential victims... you don't withhold a girls pb&j! She was much better after her power nap. ;)
We all needed energy to get through the Princess Bride forest once again. And for some reason we were all extra clumsy. I think we all fell or almost fell at least once during the hike. Poor Mechaela went face first into some mud. You never knew which direction the scream would come from next. Fortunately no one was hurt. But it did feel like we were living an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos.
But despite us all surviving the hike...Death in Cajas must live up to it's name. The fatality last time was my camera (it will not take pictures, probably due to the exposure to the cold). This time the fatality was our poor guide John. Thanks for all your hard work! :)
Answer: It was Kaitlyn in El Cajas with John's gloves! |
I hope this entry does not discourage anyone from wanting to visit El Cajas National Park. It is a beautiful place to see and meditate on the wonders of creation. One request though....please don't make ME go with you! ;) (at least not for another couple weeks)