Ariel & I relive DEATH in CAJAS |
Before we even left Cuenca on Saturday morning, we woke up early to go to Feria Libre. It is a huge market where they sell about anything you could think of. But despite that, we really didn't find anything we wanted to buy. I wanted the girls to experience it, but since it was so early most of the stores were closed. I think we were all a little disappointed. Ariel found some heels that she liked, but the prices were all "gringo specials." But we did make a very important purchase there - GUM BOOTS. These were ESSENTIAL since it had been raining for the last 4 or 5 days (including that same morning).
Aaron assured us that the group was still going even though it was raining, so Ariel and I headed to the terminal to meet them to catch the bus. In the end the group was Jeff & Jenny, Aaron, Amanda, Ben, John, Ariel and me. We were all a bit tired and under prepared. In case you have forgotten Cajas is COLD! But even I wasn't prepared for what awaited us.
When we arrived in Cajas and stepped off the bus the wind and cold almost took our breath away. I brought out all of the spare clothes that I had with me for us all to bundle up as much as we could. Less than 5 minutes later the freezing hail started to pelt us from what seemed like every direction. We thought about returning to Cuenca, but we decided to carry on wherever John was leading us.
Amanda and Robo-John |
The next section of the hike we (Amanda, Ariel & I) tried to keep our mind off of how cold we were by singing the songs from Phantom of the Opera (unfortunately the lyrics were escaping us) and Annie (the sun might come out tomorrow, but it wasn't out that day!). We also tried some motivational Kingdom Melodies (like Move Ahead). Anything to keep us putting one foot in front of the other.
Think of me...think of me fondly |
We continued downhill toward one of the lakes, but we couldn't find a way around. We walked nearly the entire circumference of the lake and tried to climb up this sheer wall of bushes, when the boys started to sink in the mire. Everyone except Jeff. He did some kind of Mission Impossible maneuver and managed to fly across to the other side where we were waiting. We're still not sure how he managed that...we were IMPRESSED!
Lunch Break |
By this time we were all starving and had earned our lunch. We stopped in a clearing by the lake and decided to eat as quickly as possible. It was so cold, I can't even really describe it. My hands could barely move. I didn't have enough dexterity to even be able to re-braid my hair. And the sandwiches that the James brought were frozen. COLD! I was ecstatic when the sun came through the clouds. Even though it was only for a moment.
I think John realized that some of us were on the verge of mutiny, so he gave us an option...we could cut an hour off the hike, but it would involve climbing through a more difficult path in the forest. We didn't care...we took it.
Ariel began channeling her inner Kaitlyn...well baby Kaitlyn (there's no comparing to the original). But she was done. No one was going to make her walk one step faster than she wanted to. So Ben and I fell back and walked with her. (not because WE NEEDED TO or anything like that) We were just being our usual kind selves. Don't believe the lies....they were behind first. ;-)
By this time, I think the other group was out of the park drinking hot chocolate, because we were so far behind. All we could hear was an occasional "Hurry up" from Aaron. He better be glad Ariel couldn't see his head or aim far enough to hit him with a rock...there may have been blood.
We continued on our way and were repeatedly amazed by these wooden bridges that kept on popping up. All morning John had been carrying a gigantic backpack (another incomprehensible feat supporting the idea that he is at least part robot). When we stopped for lunch he pulled out enough food for everyone, a 3 liter and a spare sweater or two. We decided that he also had the building materials to construct these bridges and stairs. He's pretty amazing. And we hated him.
We were now heading back downhill and the path was pretty slippery because of the mud. I told Ben and Ariel that it would be easier to just slide down. Ariel (with some help from gravity) decided to give it a try...
We were almost out by this point. But Ariel still managed to stomp her feet for most of the way. I also channeled some inner Kaitlyn and declared that I would "NEVER HIKE AGAIN! EVER!"
We made it uphill where the rest of the group was waiting. John had built a set of awesome steps to take us back to the road. But he missed a few spots. Nobody is perfect. ;)
Another casualty free trip...but only because we never got our hands on Ben's pocket knife. |
When it came we were all so happy to be inside of anything. Ariel and I plopped down in the first seats available, and everyone else went to the back. I fell asleep shortly thereafter and was happy to wake up where the day began...outside the Feria Libre.
Unfortunately the cold was not over. We arrived home to wash off all the dirt and mud and we learned that there was NO HOT WATER!!!!!!!!!! (A problem that we have had far too many times since arriving in Cuenca.) I had to take the most disappointing shower of my life. Thank goodness Kaitlyn had finally given in and purchased that hair dryer. We made our own little car wash. WARM AT LAST! When will we ever learn?